Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Wrinkles Ironed Out

Hey.  Gotta tell you about a couple of kinks wrestled to the ground this year.

I got my grand schedule figured out, and sure enough, not enough room for one of my volunteer gigs.  I didn't want to give anything up, so I went to the volunteer page and found yet another party to volunteer for.
One of our friendly BATA drivers, Connie

While I was browsing the volunteer opportunities, I noticed they need ambassadors to ride the free shuttles between venues.   These ambassadors will answer questions for riders and help them find their way around.  First year for that--Bravo.
And I also heard from another fest-goer that folks who arrived to wait for tickets were thrilled to be invited inside the air conditioned State Theatre to watch movie trailers.  I think it worked like this: you show up and get a number.  You are invited in to the State where you can recline in those cushy velvet seats and watch previews of things to come. They call your number, and you come up to select your tickets.  Sm-o-o-o-th.

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